Thursday, January 28, 2010

News in the fast lane

Time for another installation of News in the fas lane!

Note- If you find a lack of news in this post, you don't realize that this is just a fast paced stream of organized (kinda) thoughts flying on to the page as they pass through.

Apple released a Tablet.

It's called the iPad. A female friend hates the name (obvious reasons)

She quit out of an online classroom chat before I could tell her that iTampon was trending on twitter.

I felt sorry for her.

I learned an awesome new thing on twitter this morning: [_]D

My newest favorite word is Goodle.

The President spoke for 70 minutes last night.

That's a long time.

That I could've spent sleeping.

Coke cans have cute images on them. My mac thinks coke is a socially acceptable word. (no red lines)

A small clip of Owl City was played on the today show a few seconds ago.

Now Tik Tok is playing.

And, there you have it. The least newsy news in the fast lane. Expect a more informing one next time.

If that's how you tweet, Do the world a favor and stop.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Webernet Imagery

I could sit up here all day and right out my blog posts with tea.

Is that not Cute?!
(Via the design files)

These awesome cloud marshmallows So belong in my Hot chocolate
(Via simply photo)

Look, more marshmallows! This time in coffee.
(Via gingiber snap)

Not too much today, but still some quality Epicsauce. :)

News in the fast lane

Yes, I'm quite proud of my newly made up word, Webernet, as it seems interwebs was around long before I knew about it.

Anyways, another installment of news in the fast lane is here, as I forgot to check my goodle reader Before I wrote the last post. Although, this is completely different news so I suppose it deserves its own post. Yes, I typed Goodle. Got a problem with it? Apparently my fingers don't, and that's enough for me. Now to the news.

To my Excitement, I have learned that I share a Birthday with Leigh-Ann, the Creator of

Vintage fashion is now on my awesomelist.

I have a pyramid of The best Peanut butter fudge EVAR.

Cloud shaped marshmallows (AWESOME!) have showed up on not one, but TWO blogs on the same day. Gingiber Snap and Simply photo. Images to follow.

My goodle :) Reader has overflowed with awesome blogs.

I'm questioning myself as I am now in love with fashion, or at least the idea of it.

That concludes this installment of news in the fast lane.

365 Project: Day 26

Ok, I'm still in the habit. Procrastination is Murder. I believe this was somewhere around 1:30 am. And underexposed. Shut up. I don't believe in "enhancing" post processing. Only retouch and effects. Unless I'm shooting under LED lighting (Murder).

Anyways, one of my best friends makes peanut butter fudge. She's my pastor's wife. I help my dad (he's the IT/tech manager dude [very important]) alot because his back is bad. So, when we went today the pastor ran to his office and proudly gave me fudge. I was told the night before to go to church to pick up fudge the next day. I went with homemade cookies in return, with the hope that they would make it back to the misses. Good luck with that. :P It's good fudge tho.

365 Project: Day 25

I was already getting settled and ready for bed (unusually early) and looked at the clock. It read 11:52. I then realized I hadn't taken my photo yet. So I figured, why not take a picture of a clock? I was rushing around my room getting set up, as the clock was ticking. I started shooting at 11:55, and wasn't content with my settings until 11:59 and closing in on midnight. Now, I take a good few of my 365 pictures in the early morning hours (as late as 4:30 am) but I've been trying to get off that habit.

This is the 'Flip Clock' skin in 'nightstand'on my iPhone.

365 Project: day 24

I made muffins ^_^

In which I say

I'm sorry. Since Christmas I have had few posts of actual substance. I've been busy. But, I will do my best to get more legit posts more often.

In other news, Some dude on CNBC last night confirmed the Apple tablet which we already knew was coming out today.

The same girl who was interviewing the dude on CNBC re-confirmed it this morning on the today show.

An Apple tablet is coming out today.

It's running on the iPhone OS or modified version of it.

Due to it's OS it's expected for OSX 4.0 to come out along side of it.

I'm really Excited about iPhone OS 4.0.

If apple doesn't release an OS update or at least announce one, Steve Jobs will wake up tomorrow and find his turtlenecks and blue jeans burning on top of his car.

And that concludes the latest (and first of many) installments of News in the fast lane.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Feature-Sara Norris the Cool Cat.

© Sara Norris Photography

Is this photo not Freaking awesome?! It's Sara Norris's newest 365 photo
And I *love* it! I just want to hang it on my wall next to my beatles poster!

Did I just do a post on Sara norris last week? Yes. did I just do another one? Yes.
Am I going to post more? Probably in the near future.

365 Project: Day 23

Bad picture. This friggin' smoke alarm goes off every time we make homemade pizza or anything of the sort. It's in my room.
And it's loud.

365 Project: Day 22

I *really* want this coffee, but it's $11.00. Darn.

365 Project: Day 21

I made a milkshake. At 11:00. Pm. 'tWas good.

365 Project: Day 20

I've gone 8 days without my camera. My tripod is lonely.

365 Project: Day 19


365 Project: Day 18

This is another bad photo. A very bad photo. Why? To symbolize my nikon withdrawal. yes. I've been without it since wednesday. Hopefully I'll get it back tomorrow, but I don't know. Sorrow overwhelms me. This blank space is a killer.

365 Project: Day 17

Kristian Stanfill led the group at Resurrection. He's the first "boy band" with music I like. Some songs were his, some songs weren't, but they were all good. Every time they came on stage, kids scrambled to get close to him. This time (sunday) I did. Got a fair spot. I felt my phone in my pocket and saw the opportunity.

365 Project: Day 16

This is the tunnel into the Convention center. Through the weekend we will go through this 4 times. It's quite loud, quite dark. But, they throw in balloons that you bounce with fists from one end, around the corner, to the other. That was fun, although one time my friend Ellie (she is VERY short [4'10"]) grabbed my shoulder and actually tried to use me to get high enough to smack it. If she asked I could've grabbed her and get her way up there. (I'm 5'8" @ 12 years)

365 Project: Day 15

And so ends the first day (evening) of Resurrection. It's a Christian event that takes place in Gatlinburg every January. iT feels like a VERY small Christian woodstock. The music is great, the speaker is awesome, and the folding chairs have cushions. Now, it is time for bed. Time to sleep in my first hotel bed since '99.

365 Project: Day 14

I was at my grandparents today, plugging in their stereo/home theater. Then, my grandmother pulled out a folder with a bunch of old manuals, and I saw this. Cute, huh?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Interview - Sara Norris

Sara Norris. She's a photographer. She's my FAVORITE photographer.
She makes a living, taking pictures. How could you NOT want that job?

She's a gal in New Mexico that is the best self portraitier (My homebrewed word of awesomeness) south of the arctic circle. She's always inspiring me, and other people around the world.
Interview time :D

1. What got you started on photography?

I got a little pink plastic camera as a gift. I was instantly in love. I took pictures of everything: flowers, family, friends, my hamster. I was addicted. When I was 12 or 13 I found my dad's 35mm Vivtar camera in a closet. It had several different lenses and I started learning about depth of field, exposure, and different kinds of film. That's when I decided that I wanted to be a photographer.
2. How old were you when you took your first picture?

I was young. I think I was around 7, that's when I got my first camera.

3. Where do you go for inspiration?

I'm inspired by everything around me. I'll go for walks or for a drive, peruse the internet, look at books and magazines. I can spend all day in a book store looking at photography books. You can find inspiration everywhere if you are in the right frame of mind.

4. What camera equipment do you use?

I mainly use a Canon 5D. That's my baby. But I also use a Polaroid Land Camera, a Polaroid SX-70, Holga and a couple of vintage medium format film cameras. Since Polaroids are so hard to get a hold of these days I don't use those very often, but I love them.

5. What do you do for a living?

Right now I am primarily just a photographer. I sell my fine art prints online, I take family portraits and I just started photographing musicians and live bands. I take the occasional job photographing clothing, editorial fashion, jewelry and products. I also spend about 10 hours a week working as the assistant for the owner of Modern Cowgirl, a local clothing company.

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Oh, this is a tough one. I am quite ambitious, I love life and I have to many goals and dreams for myself. In 10 years I hope to have a booming photography business. I want to have my fine art prints and gifts in boutique stores nationwide. I also want to have my work hanging in galleries. I want to travel the world. Most of all, I want to be happy, healthy and taking pictures every day.

7. Did you see yourself here when you were a kid?

Yes. I always knew I wanted to be an artist. There has never been a question in my mind that this is the life I wanted.

So there you have it.
When she commented on my blog, on Day 4, it was, strangely, a feeling of determination I've never felt before. I suppose it's because someone I look up to complimenting me? Anyways, That's a look inside Sara Norris's career. Pretty awesome, huh?

So, Buy something from her Etsy Shop,
Be amazed on her website,
Read her Blog,
View her on Flickr,
Follow her on twitter,
And become a fan of her on Facebook.

Oh, before you leave,

Sara Norris entered a contest. She really wants to win, and she needs your help.
Go to And vote for her.

You can do it every 24 hours, so, Do it every 24 hours! Tell your friends to vote, tell their neighbors to vote! Tell your cat, your grandmother, your broker, your real estate agent. Tell your roommate, your inmate, your mate. Tell your pals, your pen pals, your pen makers. Tell your teachers, tell your students. Tell your tutors, tell your bank tellers. tell your check out lady, tell your bag boy. Tell your butcher, tell Ashton Kutcher.

The point is, vote, and tell people to vote. :)

Adios for now, peeps, but be sure to check out Sara Norris for yourself.
Peace and love! (I watched Ringo Starr on Jimmy Fallon a few nights ago :P)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

365 Project: Day 13

got a starbucks card for Christmas. It is now empty. Problem? I think so. Reload your card, and register it online to receive EPIQUE benefits such as wifi and birthdy drinks!

And so begins the iPhonography week. I dropped the camera off for a loan to a friend today, and I'll get it back either sunday or wednesday.

3GS ISO performance sucks :P

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

365 Project: Day 12

This isn't a composition at all. What is it? It's a symbol To the American superstore. This evening, I went out to get a flash. An SB-600. The most popular flash out there, despite the SB-800 that is now selling for $900 used. So, I called wolf camera before hand (due to a multitude of previous dissatisfications) and they didn't have any. Figures. Checked best buy's site and it said one store had one. We went there, and got nothing. So we went to target (last resort) and, like normal, no one was at the counter. I pressed the button. A man came after about 40 seconds and said "Can I do something?" I asked If he had one. Nope. Not only did they not, the man who "helped" me, I honestly thought he was stoned. No joke. So, this symbolizes the lack of thought. As soon as you get down to say, 2 in stock, order 4 more!

365 project: Day 11

I follow @SWTraverse on twitter, and in December had a little contest Thing. The first ten people to @ reply to his post got a 'gently' sampler CD. I was 3rd. The CD came today, and it is the epicness. Also, you may have noticed a lot of iPhone uploads recently. That has to do with busy ness and procrastination. But I shall try to stop that, and get you some quality awesomeness through the week. But, come Friday, I will be going to the mountains for the weekend with my church youth group. Way does that mean? 2 or 3 days of iPhone pictures. Bare with me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

365 Project: Day 10

It was cold out.
(Kallay, if you're reading this, I don't want to here about your javelin-cicles)

365 Project: Day 9

I got a new book today! Been wanting it for more than a while, but borders gave me a coupon! *Must* have! :D

365 Project: Day 8

The snow is still here.

365 Project: Day 7

It snowed here in Tennessee...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tweet tweet

Oh look, another twitter post!

So, I got hootsuite for iPhone on Christmas, and I *love* it! So smooth and simple, yet powerful and feature filled. But, there are a few things I want.

1. A user search, to search for people.
2. Posterous support!! (I downloaded twitelator in the mean time)
3. more color. Blue and white is nice, but at least give me themes.

So, I'll give it 4 stars for now. In a few updates, I think that'll change.

List Time! Yes, it's thursday, so I'll give you all a head start on follow Friday.

1. @Nikonlover104 (That's Me! ;D)


People who converse
7. @nikonlover104 that's me ;D

I know there's more, but that's all that regularly talk to me. :)

365 Project: Day 6

Why? Because I wanted aperture. Expect better, more professional photos after I get a D90 and a flashgun.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

365 Project: Day 5

Snowmen. We all love them, but some of us can't have them. I love cold weather, but it's just not quite as fun without snow. Hopefully We'll get some thursday/friday, and I can get you some more pics and maybe an actual snowman.

This guy held my hot chocolate earlier this evening =)

365 Project: Day 4

Bogen 3030/a. coupled with a 3047 head, and you get the perfect telephoto tripod. With a 50mm 1.8 on a d60, it's a little overkill. It's been with my father for 30 years. It ways quite a bit. Alot, actually. think of all the photos he's taken on this over the past 3 decades? Fascinating.

oh, on another note, Sara Norris Commented on my Blog!!! You might not know about her, but you will. I'll see if I can't get permission to do a feature on her this week. But, she's my *favorite* photographer and runs a tremendous business. I'll tell more about that later, but How cool is it for your inspiration to comment and follow your blog!? She's inspired me to work on this 365 project until I just can't do i. And hopefully, I'll make it a year before that happens.

Ciao for now ;)

Monday, January 4, 2010

365 Project: day 3

Not a particularly amazing photo, but I just wanted the Bokeh :)

Announcement time: I figured I'll tell you before I get too far in. I started the 365 project to get better at photography. My friend who did a photo-a-day thing just couldn't go on after 2 weeks. He said it was just too hard to take a unique photograph every day. I've noticed that in just 3 days. I'm 12. I can't drive. I'm constrained to wherever I am. That poses a large challenge to an already monumental task. So, I'll see how far I can go.

But, I have a question for everybody who reads this. Would you rather see a photo a day, or would you like to see photos often, not every single day, but often, with them being more unique and interesting in the long run. Because there's only so many different things in a house you can take pictures of.

Let me know. Regards, Ev.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

365 project: Day 2

Day 2. Borders. My favorite place. We go every weekend for an evening of reading and coffee. Seattle's best coffee. Sadly, I tend not to read books when I'm there, usually magazines. About photography. I love to read. I will read any length of text as long as I'm interested in it. I love reading about politics, photography, technology, coffee, and any good blog.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, January 1, 2010

365 Project: Day 1

And so begins a 365 day journey of self improvement.

Keep in mind, only a number of these will be of me. most will be of things around me.

And so begins a new decade

Today is the first day of 2010. It's also the first day of the 201- Decade. Last night was the last day we could stick our eyes through the zero's in our time/space status for ten years. But, this is my first decade change where I'm old enough to realize what Y2K(X) means. and so, this turning of the year is like no other. Everybody makes resolutions for going to the gym or whatever, but with the new decade coming around, I want to do something more. A new beginning. I'm guessing every 1-in-5 blogs are saying this, but It's what I want to do. I want to be more active, blog more often, take more photos, and getting better photos out of the ones I take. And so, This begins the first out of 365 days of photos. Yes, I'm starting the 365 project. Not every photo will be up the same day, but I will make positive I take a photo every day. It might have 3 words to go with it, it might have a lengthly blog post to partner with it.

Day one will be up sometime tonight.