Hello again. If you follow me on Twitter (if not, shame on you), you may have heard some stuff about some photoshoots. Two, to be exact. One with some awesome high school chicks, and one with some lovely 7th graders. Along with my twitter chronicles, I've had quite a few 3am musings. Those 3am musings were much needed stress outlets for me, along with messing around on piano virtuosoHD. Also at 3-4am. Over the past 2 weeks, I've built up a decently sized wall of text containing photoshoot notes. I try to keep the notes to myself, because they sound really stupid and sometimes strange. They may sound strange, but in my head they make amazing photos. Im hoping that carries over into the field. Erm, park. Anyways, Ive got somewhere around 45 shots lined up, and I need to figure out if that 45, plus say, 40 in duplicates for other girls, will last an hour and a half. I need it to last AT LEAST 90 minutes, otherwise we'll be sitting around afterwords for too long before church starts (I plan on meeting them directly after school, in the park across from our church, heading there afterwords). There will of course be variables, and things like showing the gals photos, and letting them use the camera every once and a while.
Also, I need input on Neutral Density Filters. Hoping to get to wolf tomorrow, I want to get an ND filter/holder, but don't have a clue as to what I should get. I like Definition from the backround, so that means shooting wide open. With a max shutter speed of 1/4000th, shooting at F/2 is pretty far gone in the middle of the day.
Cheers! ^_^