Monday, December 20, 2010

When The Ice Melts Away, The Commuters Play

Bad Title. Good Morning All! Hope your week is starting off nicely. Last week, we had a winter freeze session. Lots of ice. Lots of FWD cars amusing me. But, as I've mentioned, this is the time of year for pictures. This is exciting stuff, people.

When Life Melts, So Do You

Ice! A great layer of ice decided to make home of the garage-side Crepe Myrtle.

Exposure: 1/250th
F/stop: f/2.2
ISO: 800
Exp. Bias: - 2/3rds

Got about a 1/2 inch of ice on everything. Gravel driveway was an ice rink. Tried to head out at 11:00 and our splendid Japanese engineering couldn't crest the hill leaving.

I suppose that's all for now, I'll finish sorting Thursday's shots and maybe get another one up tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

Morning, Folks! Back again I am. Sincere apologies for not blogging, but the past month has been just crazy. I had a two week run of Harvey, Family, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, so much stuff, I just haven't been waking up the last 2 weeks. My Google Reader had 700 unreads.
But, now the Holidays are here, and the Holidays were made for photography.
It's snowed twice in the month of December here and the second was legitimately great. I didn't get too much done due to several different things, but I did get this:

Not exactly what I wanted, but I ran out of light. Definitely not good at the self timer yet. I need a remote.
The fun side of these shots is the self timer part, though. Press shutter, run like heck, stop and breath and stand still. You can't help but laugh at how stupid you must of looked. I fell once, darn snow.

Nikon D60 w/ 35mm F/1.8 DX
Exp: 1/40th
F/stop: 2.8
ISO: 800
Exp bias: -2/3 EV

I'll try again next time it snows, I also really need a remote. I want Winter self-portraits and have some ideas.

Welp, that's all for now!