Thursday, January 13, 2011

Every Time a Bell Rings....

An Angel Gets It's Wings.

Good Morning Everyone! Been a while, eh? Yup. Holidays are busy, and with all the snow we've had, it still feels like December. There's only been one full day of school since Christmas Break ended, the past 3 days were snow days. We had a lot of snow.
Anywho, who wants a photograph?

Every Time a Bell Rings....

Exp: 1/80th
f/stop: f/2
ISO: 800
Exposure Bias: - 2/3rdEV
PP: + .45 Exp, Aperture 3.

Boom, Christmas Morn. All of the family gathers at the Elder House, they eat a feast of food, usually comprising of Cinnamon rolls, Li'l Smokies, Sausage, Danish, Cookies, and the like.
Not to mention Egg Nog, Coffee (Maxwell House), Chocolate Milk, And OJ.
Then they open presents, socialize some more, take lots of Blurry, Horribly composed, Lack Luster snapshots. So. Many. P&S's. How much you want to wager that 90% of those shots had flash bounce off AT LEAST 1 reflective item? You know it happened, there's no denying it.
Then the family disperses back to their respective homes, to nap, play, and edit photos. Well, I guess that last one's just me. Only to soon realize that it's time to leave, to eat the Christmas Beast. A Turkey, I do believe. 'Twas a good buzzard.

And so concludes my Christmas Story, humor and all. Ciao.