Friday, November 12, 2010

"Cold Beer, and MORE Cold Beer!"

Hello There All! It's that time of year, another production is here!

We're doing Harvey. Yes, the Rabbit. The set is insanely complicated, and I am loving it!
Great set of actors, great crew, and a great time. But you want to see pictures.

DELIGHTFUL! John Cherry playing the roll of Dr. Chumley in "Harvey"

Techy stuff-
Nikon D60
Nikkor 24-70 F/2.8G @ 34mm (OMG more on that later)
Exposure: 1/400th
F/stop: F/2.8
ISO: 800

So, my Assistant photog came Wednesday, and we both shot full dress. My Assistant happens to be a pro. Like D700 and a ton of lenses. He does good stuff. He wasn't using his 24-70, and let me shoot with it. WHAT? That's awesome! It's an amazing piece of glass. Balance fail with my scrawny little D60, but amazing nonetheless. I highly recommend it.

That's about all for this time, more to come Monday.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Fall Portrait

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Back Today with another image from Sunday (see previous post) but this time, a portrait.

The Girl behind those awesome shoes.
Techy things.
Aperture Priority
Exposure: 1/640th
f/stop: F/2.8
ISO: 800
+ 1/3 EV

Looking back, I wish I had shot f/2. My fault.
ISO was 800, it was bright out and I wanted to be at a safe shutter speed. Remember, I do a lot of walking around spontanity (My word, don't judge) and don't have time to fiddle with knobs and dials. The exposure compensation is usually the only thing I touch.

(Note: Jimmers, if you're reading this, I'm waiting for an I Told You So.)
Jim is a pro photographer that I met through a photography class. I was yarping about shooting manual, he said I'd learn to love Av and Exp. Comp. He was right.

Anywhoo, this took about 14 seconds from thought to shot (rhyme), with the words "Lauren. Tree. You. Now." shot was cropped, annoying kids in right background. Centerweighted metering is my best friend at this point in time, the sun was directly through the leaves. I almost switched to spot.

Enough rambling. There's the image, there's my take, now I want yours.
Remember, Quantaray kills, don't do it.