Merry Christmas to me! Yesterday was the 23rd of the December, what I consider the busiest shopping day of the year. But, my father and mother decided to bear it and go to the MALL of all places. The big mall. Why? Clothing that mom looked at the night before! (she's the worst decision maker EVAR) So we went to the big city. I asked to go because I decided I wanted to buy a lens. I called my local wolf camera before we left and they were out (Who would've thought that?!) so I asked dad kindly if we could go to best buy. Why would I even think about going to best buy on the 23rd?! you say? Because I can. Now, I like crowds, and would've gone that morning, if I could drive. So, he hesitantly said yes, and that was our first stop. We were out from 1:30 to 7:45. Last minute shopping time FTW. But, we were just browsing like any other day, just with more people. So we went to best buy. Yes, it was busy, yes, shelves were being depleted, but, I had hope. I kindly asked the gal that was free if she had any, and she said probably not. She asked the manager dude, and he said maybe. She and I walked to "the cage" (Nikon product storage case) and she hunted. Hard. She finally found one. The LAST one. In turn, Merry Christmas to me. The line was long, as expected, but it went very fast and smoothly. So, You're now reading the words of a proud new owner of a Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AF lens! But, alas, I am 12, and have no solid income, so all I could afford in june was a D60, so in turn, no autofocus. It's a nice feature, but with most of what I'll use it for, not necessary. So, I am a proud new owner of a Nikon 50mm f/1.4 MF lens! But I'm fine with that. Best buy had it for $140, $15 more than amazon. And I would've gotten the 1 day shipping on amazon, which would've eaten that $15 up quick. So I am happy, and will play with this a bunch. What does this mean for you? Amazing photos, and interesting ones, too. And it's a Prime lens! (solid focal length, no zoom) So Crisp photos all around!
Merry Christmas to all.
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