Friday, December 11, 2009


Are you on twitter? If you're not, you should be. It's more awesomer than facebook! I kmow you're thinking "Nothing is better than Facebook! Certainly not after farmville! I'm a level 45! You can't beat that!" Well too bad, because I did. I beat it with twitter. Twitter looks at facebook and pulls a *facepalm*. THAT. is how awesome twitter is. Sure I still love facebook, and thought my facebook addiction was bad, but then Hannah B. said "Are you on twitter? You should be, all the cool kids are". now, I'm not a "Cool kid" and don't plan on being one. I'm perfectly happy being a nerd. (I am in no physical way a nerd, but according to my friend Nena, being smart automatically makes me a nerd) I'm already a social outcast, what with listening to CSN, Paul McCartney, and John Fogerty and all. And I don't care about being cool, but I decided to take her word for it and try twitter out. If you think facebook is addicting, just get on twitter for a month. That'll straighten you up. Twitter is worse than LSD, positive. (don't you dare ask me if I've done LSD, you stalker) I average at least 5 tweets a day, and this morning I've already put out at least 10. Actually, well preparing to write this post, I hit my 1000th tweet. Yes, I know what you're saying, and you sound like my brother. "You're a nolife. No I'm not! Yes you are. Whatever. Just look at your tweet count. pure nolifishness." Wait till I tell him I passed 1000. But back to the topic at hand. Twitter. Web traffic to this site averages 10,000,000 (ten million) views a month. It's userbase is nothing compared to facebook, but twitter is a newborn compared to it's socially favored counterpart. The sad part is that 60% of new accounts are abandoned after no more than 1 month. That being said, the 40% that use it daily cause for a tweet stream almost uncountable. A fun (not really) time passer is just to pick a trending topic and watch the spam roll through. Sit back and chuckle. Go ahead, I do. Now, I only have 50 followers. Probably only 20 are humans, not spammers/businesses. But I don't care, I care about putting what's on my mind out for the world, to read or not. Same Idea as this. Twitter is actually categorized as a "microblogger" with a maximum of 140 characters per tweet. But I think thats good for some people, considering the attention span of youth these days. (I love criticizing my age group, stupid bunch of baboons they are) (no offense friends, not you) But it keeps it readable while at a stop light (NOT recommended), walking through the mall (my dad hates it when I text/have my head in a phone while in a public environment, all the more reason to do it I guess) (Kids, if you're reading this, Implement at own risk), or in between french fry bites if you like your iPhone screen as greasy as my brother's. he always told me that facebook was for people with no social life (notice the irony of him saying that about a social network) and recently he not only got sucked into facebook, but he's a legit nolife at multiple games on facebook. I play those occasionally, but if I get "HIT!!!!" with one more snowball before Christmas, I'm taking an axe to somebody's computer. But, we've once again wandered off topic. I like twitter more than facebook because it's easier to talk to web friends on, because you don't have your entire Personal life right there. With facebook, if you add someone you don't know in person, it can get hostile. With twitter, it's just friendly conversations. to tell you the truth, I find out news via trending topics before I hear it on HLN most mornings. And the trending topics make for fun. Watching all the people you follow franticly tweet numerous Follow friday tweets FULL of people I don't really care about. No offense, but I don't need tweetdeck yelling at me every 55 seconds with 5 new tweets from people I don't know who are tweeting about real estate in vermont. One of my awesome IRL followee/followers is in real estate. She may know a lot of people, and she may be following 1000 people (Yes, she IS following 1000 people) but chances are I don't care about 900 of them! I follow something like 117 people (No life comment: lol, I'm following MAster Chief Lol) (that was legit too, I didn't see that until now, and I AM a nerd ;)) and I'm not sure I want to follow more than 100. When you're following 1000 people, do you really read EVERY one of those tweets? @kallayanna does. How, I don't know. You should follow her, she's cool. #legitFFinablog XD hey, it is friday ;). Yes, I'm a hashtagger. And yes, I take part in the follow friday madness. Why, you ask? Because I want to. If you can't deal with that, guess what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna *cue dramatic music*......... UNFOLLOW YOU. "NOOOOO! Now I only have 18 followers! what will i do??? Nobody will want me now!" Two words. Shut. Up. And, if you tweet about your loss, I'll report you for spam. Oh yea, I WENT THAR! Go get another donut and calm yourself. If you care that much about your follower amount, then be that way. I don't care, I'm not following you anymore. But anyways, if you're not on twitter, and you haven't tried it, try it. you'll like it. Oh no! It appears I've just spent an hour typing this! Sorry for the long post, but I said what had to be said.

Stay tuned for a twitter application review.

Oh, if you are about to make some no life, fatty infested criticizing comment, go tweet yourself. mature comments only, folks.


  1. i thought i was following you already??

  2. your blog i mean...

    anyway... *love* twitter. and yes, i do read a LOT of tweets. and no, i don't have advice on how or why. :) i just enjoy talking to people and getting my writing out there for the world to read.
