Bad Title. Good Morning All! Hope your week is starting off nicely. Last week, we had a winter freeze session. Lots of ice. Lots of FWD cars amusing me. But, as I've mentioned, this is the time of year for pictures. This is exciting stuff, people.
Ice! A great layer of ice decided to make home of the garage-side Crepe Myrtle.
Exposure: 1/250th
F/stop: f/2.2
ISO: 800
Exp. Bias: - 2/3rds
Got about a 1/2 inch of ice on everything. Gravel driveway was an ice rink. Tried to head out at 11:00 and our splendid Japanese engineering couldn't crest the hill leaving.
I suppose that's all for now, I'll finish sorting Thursday's shots and maybe get another one up tomorrow.
Morning, Folks! Back again I am. Sincere apologies for not blogging, but the past month has been just crazy. I had a two week run of Harvey, Family, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, so much stuff, I just haven't been waking up the last 2 weeks. My Google Reader had 700 unreads.
But, now the Holidays are here, and the Holidays were made for photography.
It's snowed twice in the month of December here and the second was legitimately great. I didn't get too much done due to several different things, but I did get this:
Not exactly what I wanted, but I ran out of light. Definitely not good at the self timer yet. I need a remote.
The fun side of these shots is the self timer part, though. Press shutter, run like heck, stop and breath and stand still. You can't help but laugh at how stupid you must of looked. I fell once, darn snow.
Nikon D60 w/ 35mm F/1.8 DX
Exp: 1/40th
F/stop: 2.8
ISO: 800
Exp bias: -2/3 EV
I'll try again next time it snows, I also really need a remote. I want Winter self-portraits and have some ideas.
Hello There All! It's that time of year, another production is here!
We're doing Harvey. Yes, the Rabbit. The set is insanely complicated, and I am loving it!
Great set of actors, great crew, and a great time. But you want to see pictures.
DELIGHTFUL! John Cherry playing the roll of Dr. Chumley in "Harvey"
Techy stuff-
Nikon D60
Nikkor 24-70 F/2.8G @ 34mm (OMG more on that later)
Exposure: 1/400th
F/stop: F/2.8
ISO: 800
So, my Assistant photog came Wednesday, and we both shot full dress. My Assistant happens to be a pro. Like D700 and a ton of lenses. He does good stuff. He wasn't using his 24-70, and let me shoot with it. WHAT? That's awesome! It's an amazing piece of glass. Balance fail with my scrawny little D60, but amazing nonetheless. I highly recommend it.
That's about all for this time, more to come Monday.
Back Today with another image from Sunday (see previous post) but this time, a portrait.
The Girl behind those awesome shoes.
Techy things.
Aperture Priority
Exposure: 1/640th
f/stop: F/2.8
ISO: 800
+ 1/3 EV
Looking back, I wish I had shot f/2. My fault.
ISO was 800, it was bright out and I wanted to be at a safe shutter speed. Remember, I do a lot of walking around spontanity (My word, don't judge) and don't have time to fiddle with knobs and dials. The exposure compensation is usually the only thing I touch.
(Note: Jimmers, if you're reading this, I'm waiting for an I Told You So.)
Jim is a pro photographer that I met through a photography class. I was yarping about shooting manual, he said I'd learn to love Av and Exp. Comp. He was right.
Anywhoo, this took about 14 seconds from thought to shot (rhyme), with the words "Lauren. Tree. You. Now." shot was cropped, annoying kids in right background. Centerweighted metering is my best friend at this point in time, the sun was directly through the leaves. I almost switched to spot.
Enough rambling. There's the image, there's my take, now I want yours.
Good Morning! Cheesy title, I know, but I'm really happy with today's photograph.
First, the Techy stuff.
Nikon D60 - Nikkor 35mm F/1.8G DX AF-S
Exposure: 1/640th
F/stop: F/2.0
ISO: 800
+1 EV
I'm pleased impressed how blurred I got with F/2.
Today's shot is from Sunday evening, a group of friends and I went to the park.
This shot features an undeniably teenager's shoes, as if I had to tell you.
Yes, this was shot in a road.
I believe my exact words were "Stand in the road, I don't see any cars!"
We didn't get ran over, and we did get a good shot. My brother snapped a shot of me taking this with his phone, I need to get it.
I took about 200 photos within the hour, with more good than I was expecting, so this isn't the only shot from that night you'll see. And, I became friends with spot metering. Handy Dandy.
That's about it, I'll get to a post I have in my head about ISO soon.
It's a beautiful day, go shoot something! But always remember,
Photography is so cool. Once you forget you're looking through a viewfinder, you're set. You watch life happen. The only difference is, as a photographer, you can capture life, and share it with the world in seconds. As if everyone was there. Are you a pro photojournalist? You have one of the coolest jobs ever. You get to watch life, the ups and the downs, but then, you get to show the world what you experienced. You have one of the most important jobs, too.
Think about this next time you're shooting candid work. You're providing the world with an experience. Take pride in that.
Morning! Here's a peek at Friday's little shoot...
This is Kate. She's cool.
Nerdy info
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F/2.2
Exposure: 1/400th
Not much to say about this. We went to the park, shot on a sunny day.
I actually kinda wanted to shoot on a bright day. I wanted a trial & error day. After all, it was my first shoot. Was I nervous? You bet I was. But I wanted to learn what not to do.
This wasn't a planned shoot by more than a few hours. I wanted to learn, for the planned shoot we have coming up. I wanted to know what not to do. I learned first hand that once you lock focus, you DON'T BREATH. I learned that sunny days suck. I confirmed many notions.
If you're a beginner, I strongly suggest you do this. Grab a friend or two, and do what I do best.
Applied learning. It's a great thing.
That's all for now, but remember. Quantaray kills. Don't do it.
Recently, I was positioned as photographer for Foothills Community Players' latest production, On Golden Pond. Being a young teen yet photographer for something like this can be a bit nerve-racking (In February I was jumped from Ass. to Head the day of Photo Call) but we all work better under pressure, no? So I did my thing as the time came, and as always I shoot Dress (if I can), Final Dress, and of course, Photo Call. I didn't have the luxury of shooting Dress, so I was quite ridged and focused on Final Dress, leading to the following mistake.
Here he is, norman Thayer Jr., reading up. A fair shot, no? NO. See that foot, cause I sure don't. That foot was Cut Off. That's called bad composition. See all that room above the head? Cut from that and adjust. I have a very bad habit of leaving a bit too much headroom, sometimes compromising the better shot. Although he's only in this chair for maybe 15 seconds, holding still for maybe 5, that's still no excuse. Always check your composition. Focus>compose>expose. In that sequence. Save people's foreheads and toes; compose.
So what have we learned today? Don't cut toes, don't cut heads, and remember, there is Always time to re-compose. Don't let it slip, it's make or break.
On a side note: the AF-AE lock on a Nikon D60 is crap. I couldn't keep it locked without changing a setting with my manhands. I need a new camera.
Good Morning! Recently, we put some Christmas lights in a Butterfly Bush on a whim. My brother has been enjoying lots of cool nights out there on the bench under the bush, and as I walked past, I noticed it would make a good photo.
ISO: 800
Exp: 3"
18-55 3.5-5.6 @ 18mm. (27mm)
3" Exposure was, of course, due to f/11. I wish I could've used f/22, but 3 seconds was as long as he could hold remotely still. (let the records show that we had indeed just gotten back from starbucks with friends)
I would've liked f/22 because, of course, sunstars. F/11 doesn't make nearly good enough sunstars, but it's what I got. Although, what I like most about this image is that it was painted.
Painted? In a sense. since he had his laptop, I had him turn the brightness up to light his face. But, he was just a floating head. So I grabbed my trusty Maglite and started making exposures with me spreading light on him. In the end, this was actually just me holding the flashlight on the flash ridge of the camera (big no no). A hint/artifact of the painting part is where I missed the laptop corner.
Anywho, there you have it. I'd say I'm happy with the image. Next up for this tree, BOKEH.
Fun Fact Time! : This tree/bush thing was actually FILLED with fireflies all summer long.
Shorpy Historic Photo Archives is, well, just that. An archive of old photos, mostly B&W.
As soon as I checked out the site, it was in my Google Reader. After just two weeks of posts (About 3 a day), I've seen so many amazing pictures.
Let's talk about this photograph. I've always loved New York City, and dreamed of living, or even just visiting in one of the coolest cities in the world. This building in particular is a love of mine. The engineering, the look, all of it. But, my favorite part of the picture?
The blurred Trolly in the corner. That just did it for me. I love it. I don't know why, maybe a sense of movement? It's just cool.
The brand new (at the time) Metropolitan Life Building, New York. I'm not exactly sure why I like this so much, but I do. The bit of fade once you get to the building, the other building, more faded. It's just an amazing image.
So, that's just a drop in the ocean from Shorpy, and I strongly suggest you check the site out. Makes me want to go film.
This morning I checked as I usually do, and I saw he has a review of the
Lexar 32GB 600x Compact flash card. I read it, and he mentioned many times that he couldn't fill it. He tried and tried and couldn't fill it or kill it. How can you not fill 32Gb in 2 months?!
I run 4Gb of photos most days of shooting! (Let it be clear that I don't just click away, but I do take a lot of Dups.)
Then I realized why. HE SHOOTS JPEG!
I am a diligent follower of pro Photographer Jared Polin, and recently he did a week long series of YouTube videos on RAW Vs. Jpeg. Not only did it open my eyes to how much I can do with RAW, but it reassured my disagreements with Ken.
I'll make some huge rant post about this sometime soon, but for now I just want to state facts.
What photographers here shoot what? Raise hands in comments. Please do.
I've never met a Real photographer that shoots Jpeg. that being said, Ken Rockwell isn't a photographer. He's an Engineer. I don't like Ken Rockwell's pictures. They look like snapshots. Almost all of them look over sharpened and miscolored. Why? he lets his camera do everything. His photos are big ol' snapshots. Really Snazzy, $5000 dollar camera snapshots.
He talks about how he loves his D40 as much as his D3.
Sure, you can make amazing, professional quality images with it, but if I have a D3 at my disposal, you bet your toupee that I'm gonna use the D3. It's not that I can't do it on a D40, but I can do it easier, more refined, & more enjoyably on a better camera. I don't give a poo about size and weight, I'm youthful and have man hands.
His images are far from art, but plenty good enough for your Aunt's facebook page.
Earlier this morning I was watching the news, and I saw a Press Photographer with what seemed to be a Canon 5D MK II.
Although it's a simply magnificent camera, I see more press with 1D's.
they're both amazing cameras, although I've come to a crossroad. If I'm gonna be holding my camera up as high as I can trying to get a picture of something or somebody important, I'm gonna want to use the biggest, toughest camera I can. Cause I don't want to drop my little plastic camera and be out who knows how much, and possibly losing my million dollar image.
The Canon 1D series is by far the best Press camera in the world. It's fast, tough as nails, and captures stunning images. The 5D MK II is an amazing camera, but to me it's just not for hardcore press.
The only person I know of who'd rather use a small, plastic camera than a big, beefy, durable camera is Ken Rockwell. More on him later. If I'm gonna shoot anything other than little kids, I'm gonna use the best camera I can. I'm also gonna use the biggest camera I can. My dad's always complaining about how I could want a big heavy camera. He shot an FM, a really small camera. I'm youthful, and my hands just don't work well with a camera as small as a D60. I need a new camera ASAP. My dream camera is of course a Nikon D3s, or any Nikon or Canon full pro camera. Why? IT JUST FEELS GOOD. I shot with the 40D/bat. grip again (Images to come) and I loved it. It fit my big ol' man hands right.
So what would you prefer for certain shooting situations? A big 1D, or a small 5D. You pick.
Not to mention, the bigger the camera, the more people fear you. When you're the photographer and people don't give a crap about you, you're screwed.
Wednesday night, I couldn't sleep so I threw in my Good Evening New York DVD to listen/watch. It gave me the strongest craving for a Plaid Hoodie (of which I cannot link due to the discontinuation)and a WISH Starbucks cup.
I also get the memories and good feelings of November 4th, 2009 every time I listen to Maybe I'm Amazed. Is there something wrong with me? Am I the only one that this happens to?
Do any of you people out there get this? It's as if things from said timeframe trigger the feelings.
Short Term Nostalgia is what I call it. It could be because the Fall/Winter season of '09 was pretty much the best time period of my life so far. Cause it was. I don't know why it happens, and I'm not sure I hate it, I'm just wondering if it's just me. It seems like mostly music triggers it, but just last week I drank a Starbucks Mocha for the first time in forever and took me straight back to the night mentioned earlier with the WISH starbucks cups.
Life went way uphill in the latter half of last year. It was just a good time.
The best of times, really.
If you've been with me since the start, you should know that Christmas is my favorite time of year. That's expanded to Fall/Winter, but still that area of time.
As soon as the High temp. of the day is 68, I'm in heaven. That means 38 degree morning walks, waking up to my Maybe I'm Amazed ringtone, and all that stuff.
Hey, that might be why that's a trigger. It's been my alarm tone since September '09, and has all those 6:45 sharp blog posts. Boy I loved those days. 6:30 Coffee's on. 6:45 Coffee's on desk with Blogger open. 7:32 Walk begins, 35-39 degrees.
Heaven. It triggers Owl shaped two-tone cookies, Cranapple cider, and orange leaves.
It triggers Cicero looking at me, and looking forward to my photo class with John Greengo.
That class has tons of great memories for me. Que November 4th.
Fall is a good, inspiring time for me, when I blog best.
Quite possibly cause that's when I started.
All I know is that come October, this Bi-Monthly blog thing will end. More good photo stuff (in my eye) and just a good mindset. Enough rambling, I must go.
Do you ever have short term nostalgia cases? Feel free to leave a response.
Hello! Recently (Last week) I got a late, but in the fashionable way, birthday box from my awesome friends The Sandcarvers.
The Sandcarvers are a Celtic Rock band based in Milwaukee, WI.
Anyways, I was kindly hinted of this package back in April, and was curious (as every 13 YO boy should be) as to what this could be. Sure enough, when I finally received the "stuff", I was ecstatic. What'd I find inside? Not just their newest album (see below), but a shirt (I was hinted of this when they asked what size I was [OMG STALKERZORZ]) AND a hat! Yes, a hat! I love hats. I'll post images of me in the tremendous swag once I work up the courage of taking a picture of myself.
Anywho, back to the band.
They were formed...... I don't really know when they were formed, actually. But their first album was out in 2004, so for the sake of timelines, we'll say 2004. (If anybody knows, please enlighten me)
The first album, titled "This Time Around" was released in '04 (I JUST SAID THAT) and, from the stuff I've heard in it, is Rockin'!
Next up, from '06 is "Dealin' Craic" and Rocks even harder than the first, in my mind. (Of course I want to include more, but I'm not really the review type.)
And finally, their newest album, which I received, is straight out of '09 titled
Stuffed full of power rock music with the prominent Celtic flair. Mucho bueno.
The band consists of
A.J. Laird: Vocals, Percussion, Bodhran(Linked for your knowledgeable pleasure)
Christopher Trotier: Vocals, Basses, Vibraslap(Don't you just love Wikipedia?)
Jeffrey S. Miller: Acoustic guitars, Vocals
Jason Dove: Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Vocals
Raven: Recorders, Keyboards, Bassoon.
Tony Keller: Drums, Chalice.
Bonus appearances in the studio
Ian Gould: Mandolin
Bryce Lehman: Electric Guitar
(Note: All band member listings are based off the newest album)
How'd I find out about this band in the first place? Twitter.
With the huge network of photographers out there, I've crossed paths and commonplaces with tons of people, with lots of overlapping ta boot.
Gareth Ash is the man. A fellow photographer and blogger, his mysterious avatar is an instant follow, in my mind. he's a rad person. A Canon shooter he is, I'll live.
Gareth and I started conversing and eventually we got to music, and he introduced me to Raven, who introduced me to her music, which I loved. Some epic people, with some epic wisdom. Philosophical, to say the least.
Oh noes, I can't seem to find a decent youtube clip! If I find even an image montage with music, I'll post it.
Found one. Please excuse the epicfailness of this MM post, I suppose I wasn't really prepared.
This past Saturday, our local Borders Bookstore had Authors Steven Otis and Collin Roberts for a booksigning of their new book,
A Road More or less Traveled.
I snagged a copy, as I'd heard about it before and was interested, along with getting it signed, or Written in, rather (Otis wrote a nice note), and then went back for my coffee.
Though I just opened it last night, I can already tell that it's a good read.
There's not much I can say about it now, but I might just put a review up when I'm done.
I just love everything in the Mid 20th Century, and these commercials are no exception. They make me smile and think of my grandfather, who was fresh out of war at this time, and make me giddy for some of The Ink Spots. (Forgive me, half the reason I play fallout 3 is for the music. The other half is because I'm a nerd.)
But I'm not gonna make a lengthly post about it, I'm gonna say sorry and move on.
So, last week I finished up a wonderful read, North By Northwestern.
It's written by Crab Boat Captain Sig Hansen, as he tells the story of the fishery.
It's packed with stories of his father and other relatives and friends of their tales, before the world went digital. Heck, I got a good Norwegian history lesson out of it, as well.
If you've seen the show Deadliest Catch, you already know what these men do, but you might not know how it came about. If you see this book, be sure and pick it up.
Hello again. If you follow me on Twitter (if not, shame on you), you may have heard some stuff about some photoshoots. Two, to be exact. One with some awesome high school chicks, and one with some lovely 7th graders. Along with my twitter chronicles, I've had quite a few 3am musings. Those 3am musings were much needed stress outlets for me, along with messing around on piano virtuosoHD. Also at 3-4am. Over the past 2 weeks, I've built up a decently sized wall of text containing photoshoot notes. I try to keep the notes to myself, because they sound really stupid and sometimes strange. They may sound strange, but in my head they make amazing photos. Im hoping that carries over into the field. Erm, park. Anyways, Ive got somewhere around 45 shots lined up, and I need to figure out if that 45, plus say, 40 in duplicates for other girls, will last an hour and a half. I need it to last AT LEAST 90 minutes, otherwise we'll be sitting around afterwords for too long before church starts (I plan on meeting them directly after school, in the park across from our church, heading there afterwords). There will of course be variables, and things like showing the gals photos, and letting them use the camera every once and a while.
Also, I need input on Neutral Density Filters. Hoping to get to wolf tomorrow, I want to get an ND filter/holder, but don't have a clue as to what I should get. I like Definition from the backround, so that means shooting wide open. With a max shutter speed of 1/4000th, shooting at F/2 is pretty far gone in the middle of the day.
Hola, readers! I am currently lounging upstairs in my *favorite* local coffee shop, along with a quiet, lovely woman, as she reads her book. Note the iPad software keyboard, and it's ability to be, well, quiet. Helpful to her.
Sipping on a mocha, letting Chris Jones (unable to link in BPipad) leak thru the walls, quietly, while brainstorming shoot notes.
I originally intended to include photos of this little escape area, but I wasn't allowed to bring my camera. Sorry! Will hope to soon.
That's all for now, be back with some more shoot info.
A sad day it is today... Nashville, TN has been getting hammered with severe flooding since yesterday afternoon. A lovely blog, Little Chief Honeybee, has been hit head on.
(images from little chief honeybee)
Please keep Kaelah Bee and all other Nashvillians and surrounding inhabitants in your prayers, and wish the best for all the people who have lost loved ones, houses, or businesses.
I hate you, God. Love, Madeleine. I write my messages on water and at bedtime I tiptoe upstairs and let them flow underneath your door.
When I am angry with you I know that you are there even if you do not answer knock even when your butler opens the door an inch and flaps his thousand wings in annoyance at such an untoward interruption and says the master is not at home. I love you, Madeleine Hate, God. (This is how I treat my friends, he said to one great saint. No wonder you have so few of them, Lord, she replied.) I cannot turn the other cheek. It takes all the strength I have to keep my fists from hitting back. The soldier shot the baby the little boys trample the old woman The gutters are filled with groans While pleasure seekers knock each other down I'm turning in my ticket and my letter of introduction. You're supposed to do the knocking. Why do you burst my heart?
How can I write you to tell that I'm angry when I’ve been given the wrong address And I don’t even know your real name? I take hammer and nails and tack my message on two crossed scraps of wood: Dear God, Is it too much to ask you to bother to be? Just show your hindquarters and let me hear you roar.
I'm not doing too good with this "blogging more" concept, am I?
That's what I thought.
Time for another saying of the infamous "I'm gonna try harder"
It never works. I need something more than an overused phrase.
And I'm also not doing the title of this little text abode much justice, either.
But, once again, in my defense, it'll get better with time. I still haven't obtained a certain little Camera Connection Kit from Apple. Time to order one, no?
And so, this is another Sorry. Certainly not the last.
Sitting in Borders, listening to an *epicmazing* local band, We Are Disarmed.
Their music is awesome, and I have coffee. Life is good. I'll take some iPhone pics (on the iPad right now) and edit this post later. I'll also have some band info and If I can find an embedable MP3, I'll get that in here too.
I'm currently sitting in my living/dining room (loooong room lacking a divider) and my grandfather is talking about his friend in california from the '60s. Chuck Owens. Chuck had a pool underneath his garage. A swimming pool. Underneath his garage. My brother said "cool", then dad reminded him this was in the '60s, and everything was mechanical, analog, and hand-cranked.
Then I realized that whenever I think of anything before, oh say, '75, I visualize stuff in Black & White.
I feel bad about this, for some reason.
Is it profiling? Racist? Or just my young, spoiled mind?
Saturday night I promised to tell you about something big and new.
Here it is.
Yes, the iPad. No, it doesn't have wings or 24 hour protection, but it does have 10 hours of battery life, and BlogPress, which I've already shot up 2 posts with.
What does this mean for the blog, though? More posts, more places.
I can now blog at Starbucks (which I intend to be at lots more this year), I can blog at Remedy (hoping it'll be my new fav coffeehouse), I can blog anywhere, and then upload at any wifi.
Oh, hello there! Remember me? Everett, the boy who takes pictures? Yea? Well, I'm still alive, don't worry. It's Been too busy to breath lately. My bad for not blogging! Big things are coming, including me blogging more, Monday or Tuesday, whichever comes first. But until then, my job is to decide wether to watch bruce almighty or SNL.
P.S Its 27 minutes till Easter, happy holidays.
Oh, while waiting for me to return, check out my pal Emma's new blog at
I had no idea what to take a picture of, so how about my feet? Forgot to turn ISO down and NR off, and it did pretty well, I'd say. I still doubt I'd use it much.
You must be saying "Wtf is this crap?" well, shut up. See that little green dot in the bottom left corner? I just found out that that is a focus indicator. Yes, this helps me alot.
So, Starbucks is doing a thing where every week they showcase a BOLD coffee. Some new. This week is Yukon Blend. (seen below)
So we went last night to get a bag of it and 2 of their new mugs.
ISN'T IT AWESOME? 'Tis. It's 100% recycled coke glass. I luhv it so much!
So, we had coffee, bought coffee, and bought mugs.
Back to the BOLD thing, it goes for 8 weeks. If you GO QUICKLY, you can make it in time and snag a cup of Yukon, and make sure you ask for a STICKER. They'll know what you're talking about. If you do this every week for 8 weeks, and bring your stickers in, you'll get a free pound of your BOLD choice of coffee. Cool, huh?
PS. The image has ZERO post processing. The vintage look was naturally awesome!
Yea.... my planned photo didn't go as planned, SO. I'll take a picture of this lens! I hate it but I love it but I hate it. IT's UGLY. IT has VR. It's optics are good. IT"S UGLY. Yea, I don't like it's looks.
Another bad photo! Last one, promise. So. I was waiting for my online course to start, and the music they were playing was awesome, as usual. I could tell it was the decemberists, but shazam didn't know the song or album or anything. So I asked, they told me, I loved it. I wanted the album, and decided I'll see if I can't get a few bucks out of my pocket change. I started digging through my top bedside drawer, in which I've thrown my pocket change in for the past 18 months. I looked for only quarters. I found $31.50. Yea, I think that bought my album. And the Wireless remote. Mc-L3 I think It is? I need to go buy one.
Ok, another bad photo. But it's worth it because I'm documenting that I GOT TO USE A NIKKOR 70-200 2.8 VR!!!! As I've said, I think I'm going to have to sell my soul to the Government so I can get one of these.
Yea, bad photo. :P this was like, 5:30 on sunday morning, but I didn't fall asleep so it still counts as saturday on my opinion. I was packing for 3 hours of shooting church services. But, I got to use a 70-200!!! I think I'm gonna sell my soul to the government so I can get one :P
This little guy's name is Olken. He's the *cutest* little Haitian boy brought home by one of my friends/activists that's been helping in Haiti a lot. He's being adopted by an active Dr. in our church. The gal's name is Allison, and she, along with her older sister, have been to Haiti multiple times before. Neither have been since before the earthquake, as they go with our church group. They're both itching to get over there, praying for the day to come. They were in tears all night, and were saddened when it was time for him to go for the night. So sweet, I couldn't stop smiling whenever I was around him. You get a different feel when you get to meet them, versus watching CNN. It's amazing, really.
I made toast. For the first time in like, forever. I know, it's just peanut butter toast, but our jelly department in the fridge is lacking. Do you like my snowman plate? In March?! I do. It's a wonderful plate. Perfect size for lots of foods, such as waffles. Or at least, the waffles I make.
My floors are pretty, no? And tough as nails. We really need a dog. Mom. Grr. And my coffee mug? My aunt went to Paula Deen's restaurant (Wth?) and got an ALL DAY PASS (WTF?) and got me this mug, which, on the other side, say's Hey Ya'll! Yea, seriously. I like it because it's really thick and keeps coffee warm.
Sorry, but this had to be shown off. I, with the help of mom, (she knows the recipe better), made pumpkin bread! I know, March? Really? Yes. March, really. Made it for my Grandma in SoCal, who's not in the best of health, but loves the stuff, so we make a bunch, and keep one loaf. It's so freaking good! I'd post the recipe, but it's family secret O_o
Ps. It's also Monday's 365 Photo.
Pss. Click it and view in separate window for full beautishisness. Dig the word?
So, Comcast came yesterday, around 10 AM. Two men, two trucks, and a few wiggling of the wires later, I get my 28 Mbps back. Now what does this mean? Since it's tuesday, 5 Fantabulous Finds Day! That'll be in an above post.
I still haven't gotten a response on Coffee. WHICH SHOULD I GET? I need to know, man!
This is an update. Yes, an update. An update it is. Ready for the update? I thought so. Here's the update.
You may have noticed, once again, my absence. Yes, I'm ashamed of it.
I've been lazy, my sleep has been deprived, and I only blog in the mornings. (Ok, I TYPED out my post one evening at starbucks, but it didn't go live 'till the next morning)
I'm going to see if I can't improve upon that. I'm going to try to wake up, or get out of bed, rather, earlier, like I used to. Lately it's been 6:55. Back in november, I was blogging before 6:45. Oops.
I'm going to blog more when I'm out. (more on this to come in the near future)
I'm going to dedicate more of my morning awakeness to blogging. I think of blogging to be a "before 8:30 thing", when it's actually a before 9:30 thing. Lol.
I'm going to take more time on my 365 photos. Lately I've been posting 365 photos that look like photos that the project tries to tear you away from. I'll still put up the epic iPhone pic every once-and-a-while, but I'm gonna see if I can't improve a smidge.
I'm gonna reveal what I've been saving for soon. Yes, you'll like it.
You're probably wondering why I haven't made a lengthly post about iPad yet. don't worry, I'm still compiling thoughts. More on that to come.
I'm going to steal B's Wig Shoppes *7 Random things* idea and do a 5 fantabulous things. Probably at least once a week. Possibly Tuesdays. Tuesdays are drab, why not get a smile out? Yes, Tuesdays. *note: Tuesdays*
I'm going to add little things here and there as they come. Like Buttons! Buttons are awesome, especially big red ones. Yes, buttons. *note: Buttons*
With things to come in mind, I might just right more little stories. Do you like stories?
That is all for now. Gracias, readers.
I'm about aweek, week and a half away from running out of my beloved Cafe Du Monde coffee.
I'm asking YOU what to get next. Chickory, or French Roast. Keep in mind these effect my blogging habits. Or, styles, rather.
Sooo... My camera is at a friend's, so this spot is empty. Again. I feel naked. Also, Comcast has me blowing smoke out of my ears. Our HD channels don't work, the internet is DOWN, and I might not have Internet tomorrow morning. You do NOT want me to be without Internet in the morning. I will get Cranky. Plus, my HD today show will and had been crap since Monday. I hate when my mornings are messed up. And, i think I left my camera charger at the theatre. Crap. I'm miffed. Very. Good night, bittersweet prince.
I'm a not so average teenager that likes to get high on God. I use the term Jesus Freak a lot, justifiably. We are God's Army.
Oh, and I'm addicted to coffee and the art and nuances of it.