Sunday, February 28, 2010

An Update

This is an update. Yes, an update. An update it is. Ready for the update? I thought so. Here's the update.

You may have noticed, once again, my absence. Yes, I'm ashamed of it.
I've been lazy, my sleep has been deprived, and I only blog in the mornings. (Ok, I TYPED out my post one evening at starbucks, but it didn't go live 'till the next morning)

I'm going to see if I can't improve upon that. I'm going to try to wake up, or get out of bed, rather, earlier, like I used to. Lately it's been 6:55. Back in november, I was blogging before 6:45. Oops.
I'm going to blog more when I'm out. (more on this to come in the near future)
I'm going to dedicate more of my morning awakeness to blogging. I think of blogging to be a "before 8:30 thing", when it's actually a before 9:30 thing. Lol.

I'm going to take more time on my 365 photos. Lately I've been posting 365 photos that look like photos that the project tries to tear you away from. I'll still put up the epic iPhone pic every once-and-a-while, but I'm gonna see if I can't improve a smidge.

I'm gonna reveal what I've been saving for soon. Yes, you'll like it.

You're probably wondering why I haven't made a lengthly post about iPad yet. don't worry, I'm still compiling thoughts. More on that to come.

I'm going to steal B's Wig Shoppes *7 Random things* idea and do a 5 fantabulous things. Probably at least once a week. Possibly Tuesdays. Tuesdays are drab, why not get a smile out? Yes, Tuesdays. *note: Tuesdays*

I'm going to add little things here and there as they come. Like Buttons! Buttons are awesome, especially big red ones. Yes, buttons. *note: Buttons*

With things to come in mind, I might just right more little stories. Do you like stories?

That is all for now. Gracias, readers.


I'm about aweek, week and a half away from running out of my beloved Cafe Du Monde coffee.
I'm asking YOU what to get next. Chickory, or French Roast. Keep in mind these effect my blogging habits. Or, styles, rather.


Friday, February 26, 2010

365 Project: Day 56

Yes. It's 5:01 AM. I'm still up. This is for February 25th, not 26th. Procrastination.... Meet insomnia.

365 Project: Day 55

Sooo... My camera is at a friend's, so this spot is empty. Again. I feel naked. Also, Comcast has me blowing smoke out of my ears. Our HD channels don't work, the internet is DOWN, and I might not have Internet tomorrow morning. You do NOT want me to be without Internet in the morning. I will get Cranky. Plus, my HD today show will and had been crap since Monday. I hate when my mornings are messed up. And, i think I left my camera charger at the theatre. Crap. I'm miffed. Very. Good night, bittersweet prince.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

365 Project: Day 54

Mmmmm, Coffee. Please excuse my acne covered face. Needed a new self portrait, no matter how bad it may be. iPhoto has a terrible Vignette setting.

365 Project: Day 53

The iPad is supposedly opening for pre-orders tomorrow (tuesday). If so, I'll be there.

365 Project: Day 52

My pastor. 'Tis awesome.

365 Project: Day 51

Yea..... I kinda did it again. .... :P

365 Project: Day 50

This magazine Is full of cuteness.

365 Project: Day 49

Kodak Master photoguide. Wonderful piece of a booklet. Full of information, more useful 30 years ago than today, but you can still get a lot out of it. Sits one of my bag's pockets at all times.

365 Project: Day 48

I'm so not above taking pictures of Tvs. My insane nolifeness got me this fooly awesome score.

365 Project: Day 47

Taco Tuesday. We had my grandparents (dad's side) over for tacos on Taco Tuesday. Mick (grandpa) made Grandma Pancakes for breakfast, as it was also Pancake Tuesday.

365 Project: Day 46

Monday. The day after Sunday. Sunday was the final day of the play, and I was beat. I was at the theatre 6 out of 7 days that week. Most days were 12-13 hours at the theatre. Yea. It was worth it though, as I had fun, and learned some stuff. Like the fact that QUANTARAY OPTICS SUCK!

365 Project: Day 44

Our set designer.... Priceless.

P.S I don't care if it's a video, it's awesome!

365 Project: Day 43

Got to use a 40D wednesday and saturday. Felt lovely in my hand, but it's still a Canon. And QUANTARAY OPTICS SUCK!

365 Project: Day 42

Thursday. 8 hour day. Opening night. I was dressing the set with greenery at 5:00. The VIP party got in at 6:30. Yea, this set sucked. But it looks Perrrrty! :P

365 Project: Day 41

Wednesday. 13 hour day. Preparing for shoot #1.

365 Project: Day 40

Tuesday. The second day of building. It snowed and looked pretty, and my feet got sore. Of course. 12 hour day.

365 Project: Day 39

Weeks ago I won the twitter drawing from Creativetechs. I won an Art Wolfe DVD. Then, a few weeks later, I won again. I won Steve Laskevitch's Photoshop handbook. :DD

365 Project: Day 38

Is it Holy? Think about it.

365 Project: Day 37

Remember this book from somewhere around Day 6? Yea, I haven't gotten any farther than I did that night. #priorities.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's been a long week

I know I know, being neglected sucks. Sorry, It's been a dang long week. I've been taking my 365 photos, but I'm backed up on posting them. The funny/sad part is, I've got yesterday's and last wednesday's photos on the same card, but I have thursday Etc, in the computer. Gah, I need to get caught up. But, as I've said, It's been a busy week. But, before I go on with my busy day, I *must* show you Café Du Monde's Totally Freaking Epic Site that I just discovered.

I've been drinking their coffee for over a year now, but just visited the site this morning. Knew as soon as it loaded that I had to blog it. Also, notice my backround. Still the Joy to the world download from B's wig Shoppe. Show's that I have been busy :P

That is all.

Friday, February 12, 2010

365 Project: Day 36

I made more muffins ^_^ And look, on time photo!

EDIT: Crap, just noticed I had my ISO way up.... #rookiemistake

EDITEDIT: At least it looks kinda like film Grain...

365 Project: Day 35

Mwah. Yes, so far I'm not doing too well resisting procrastination...

365 Project: Day 34

I made waffles for breakfast ^_^ New to food photography... Critique?

365 Project: Day 33

Meet Ghetto shoes. From the first time I wore them, all my friends have called them my ghetto shoes. But, truthfully, they aren't ghetto at all. Rather just mossimos from target.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Yes, It's time again for #followfriday!

What is #followfriday?
The final day of the workweek, in which people partake
in a ritual of tweeting people that others should follow.

What does # mean?
# is called a hash. Put it in front of popular phrases and feel in-the-group.
Hashtags, such as #followfriday are all the rage.
There's a trending hashtag for almost every day of the week, that is day specific.

Now, lets get to the selections at hand.

1. @celticcamera Photographer that carries a wonderful conversation.
2. @celticsongs Wife of Celticcamera, she makes wonderful music and a great convo.
3. @danamoos Realtor, photographer, conversationalist. Plus she drinks coffee.
4. @Allan_saw Australian, lives in our future, and makes a good talk.
5. @tamcdonald Realtor with a chatty mouth.
6. @deegeebee Sassiest Realtor in TN, making short work of life.

A brief #follow friday :) You'll find me here tweeting #followfridays all day.

Also, you can find me at this hashtag most mornings.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spontaneous Awesomecake

Is this not the coolest thing a sewer can ever dream of?! B's Wig Shoppe
made it and this alone makes me want to become a fabric geek!

I want these ingredient jars (and the coffee ones, of course) in my kitchen.
so vintage and awesome!

The wall makes for sweetness. No politics for now, but I could see
symmetrically placed '60s ads in my living room in this exact fashion.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

365 Project: Day 32

I can't decide! I want a lens but need a laptop but need a body but need a different lens. It's terrible.

365 Project: Day 31

A pathetic image of wannabe icicles.

365 Project: Day 30

I have a Borders *love* and a starbucks *love* card. I like both. Alot.

Conflicting wallet plastic.

These are my gateways to happiness.

365 Project: Day 29

The battlefield: Bad company 2 Demo came out yesterday. It's Awesome.

365 Project: Day 28

I'm ashamed >.> I am not taking good photos and I'm procrastinating. I shall do my best to stop in February.

365 Project: Day 27

I <3 these coke cans!