Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Hola All! I am in desperate need of a good twitter app for iPhone. I used twitterrific for a while, but it just doesn't do it for me. I used tweetdeck for a while, didn't like it. I'm using Echofon right now, but don't love it, either. One of these days I'l come around to actually paying for one, probably a soon as I get a gift card. (Come on Christmas!) I've been scouting for a decent paid app, (for when the time comes) and it's looking good for hootsuite, Tweetie 2, or birdfeed. I'm leaning towards hootsuite, but am certainly open for input. In terms of desktop, tweetdeck is my lover. It's the best of the bunch. Cream of the Crop. It never gets quit when the computer is on (always on). But, this is desktop, I like the tweetdeck for iPhone, but don't love it. I dig the FB compatibility, but not enough to put it on my front page. I really need one with push notifications that actually work. Considering I passed 1000 tweets in 5 months, and average 5-15 a day, I consider myself a power tweeter. And I want the luxury of a quality app to deal with it. If I paid for a twitter app out-of-pocket, my dad would do throw an axe through my precious iMac. We can't have that, now can we? Hence the need for an iTunes card.

So, if you have an opinion, please comment. If you want to follow me, I'm nikonlover104. Yes, the one with the santa hat and Christmas lights. Gift Idea for children in the coming days.


  1. I have hottsuite and I really like it :) My sister has Tweetie 2 on hers and it crashes a lot. Obviously it needs an update and will probably be fixed soon though! Hope you got an iTunes card :)


  2. I got hootsuite last night :D so streamlined and smooth. And, I caught it while it was still on sale!
