Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tweet tweet

Oh look, another twitter post!

So, I got hootsuite for iPhone on Christmas, and I *love* it! So smooth and simple, yet powerful and feature filled. But, there are a few things I want.

1. A user search, to search for people.
2. Posterous support!! (I downloaded twitelator in the mean time)
3. more color. Blue and white is nice, but at least give me themes.

So, I'll give it 4 stars for now. In a few updates, I think that'll change.

List Time! Yes, it's thursday, so I'll give you all a head start on follow Friday.

1. @Nikonlover104 (That's Me! ;D)


People who converse
7. @nikonlover104 that's me ;D

I know there's more, but that's all that regularly talk to me. :)

1 comment:

  1. woot! i mean HOOT!

    so cool! :)

    thanks for the shout out!
